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19 January 2021

Installation of Principal Process Equipment Commences at OMK's Future Seamless Pipe Mill in Nizhniy Novgorod Region

The United Metallurgical Company (AO OMK, Moscow) has already taken delivery of over 75% of the innovative process equipment for its future seamless pipe mill facility in the Nizhniy Novgorod Region. Two installation contractors commenced equipment installation at the inspection, finishing, and heat treatment lines under the supervisions of Danieli (Italy) as the equipment supplier. The facility to manufacture seamless casing, tubing, and and oil and gas line pipe with semi-premium and premium connections is scheduled to be commissioned in 2022.

The construction contractor has completed the installation of wall and roof panels as well as enclosed the primary building with an area of 130,000 square meters, commissioned the first gas heaters. The heating provided a suitable environment for other activities inside the mill building, such as the pouring of foundations for primary process equipment, for equipment installation, and the routing of utilities during the cold season. Some 38 of the 40 of the building’s cranes have been installed. Eight of these have been placed in operation. Activities have started to install the infrastructure and site utilities. A gas distribution station has been commissioned, and power has been applied to the step-down transformer station. Activities continue to construct the administrative and the utility buildings, the laboratory, the water treatment and the water installation sheds, the storage facilities, the railway infrastructure with a new station, and the site power supply grid.

The activities involve 1,100 specialists from over 30 contractors. OMK itself is acting as the general contractor.

«We are proceeding with project implementation without significant delays with respect to the schedule successfully overcoming difficulties related to the COVID-19 pandemic that are beyond our control. The commissioning of the new facility will help meet the potential demand from the oil and gas industry given an increase in the number of wells requiring horizontal and sloped drilling, more complex production environments, increased quality of the oil and gas being produced. With the start-up of the new facility, OMK will be able to offer its customers a full range of casing, tubing, and oil and gas line pipe», noted Director of Asset Development, Investment, and Strategy Dmitri Chernyshev.


The construction of a greenfield pipe mill is one of OMK’s largest investment projects. The project cash outlay is RUB 50 billion. The new facility is designed for up to 500,000 tons of seamless pipe a year. The facility being built targets specific market segments. Once it is commissioned, OMK will be able to offer its customers high-grade seamless casing, tubing, and oil and gas line pipe ranging in size from 73 to 273 mm with semi-premium and premium leak-proof connections. Once started up, this facility will create 1,700 high-tech jobs.

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