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Well Design

New challenges in the oil and gas sector help AO OMK quickly respond by investigating, prototyping, and acquiring capabilities for the manufacture of tubulars of innovative types for oil and gas production.

A key objective of AO OMK is to deliver quality tubulars to customers and to provide engineering and end user support services in a timely manner.

These tasks are handled by the AO OMK engineering analysis function. They include:
  • Selecting tubulars for a customer-specific application;
  • Analyses for alternative casing string designs and standardization of the products used on customers’ current projects;
  • Demos of analyses solutions in a software suite;
Obtaining a Technical Analysis
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  • Casing Material, Wall Gage, and Threaded Connection Selection from the AO VSW Product Offering

    A research and development center staffed with experienced manufacturing site personnel helps develop and begin the manufacture of new tubulars customized to specific client requirements.

    The design analysis services are the connection between a tubular manufacturer and a customer as well as an additional tool to inform clients of OMK’s latest advances in new tubulars and experimental innovation and import substitution.

    Having the skill required to select tubular and threaded connection design as well as field experience in running tubular products with premium, GOST, and API connections, our specialists will help select the best design solution from the AO VSW product offering that meets the customer’s technical and cost requirements.

  • Customized Alternative Well Design

    Contemporary field development environments impose new rules for getting the best technical and cost performance out of the customers’ installations. A general trend towards well design interoperability, consolidated procurement, and standardization matrices for different mining and geological conditions creates challenges that require a lot of regional statistics.

    AO OMK’s design and technical analysis function has a wide range of data on the designs being used gathered in close collaboration with leading design organizations and oilfield service providers.

    One of the key objectives of AO OMK’s technical analysis function is to optimize well design, compile drilling technology offerings resulting in lower operational and financial risks for the customer when undertaking procurement proceedings, activities, and subsequent well operation.

  • Demoing Analytical Solutions in a Software Suite

    Technical analyses are performed using a specialized software suite that is a leader in the domestic engineering analysis software market for well design. This enables us to perform analyses in a single software environment in close collaboration with design institutions which, in turn, enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of the designs already selected and perform more precise analyses as required.

    The design analysis services are the connection between a tubular manufacturer and a customer as well as an additional tool to inform clients of OMK’s latest advances in new tubulars and experimental innovation and import substitution.

    Close collaboration with the software developers helps modify the software suite for new customer requirements.

    The results are presented in a report that may include tabular data, plots, and graphs that the customer needs for ease of using the analyses.

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